The Goldies Charity
£850 paid to The Goldies Charity to hold monthly ‘Songs and Smiles’ sessions for adults with Learning Disabilities at Riverbank Day Services. The “Goldies” run their popular singing and activity sessions across England and Wales. They recognise the issues of loneliness amongst the increasing older population. It gives vulnerable people a reason to get out, to be with others, laugh, sing out, and to make new friends. Those attending are older people who are socially isolated as well as people with learning difficulties and dementia. For many “Goldies” is their lifeline. For more information please visit

“There is a whole range of abilities at the centre, some people have severe and multiple learning difficulties and disabilities some have mobility issues, most can sing along but there are the odd few who can’t. However, everyone loves to get involved in whatever way they can, there is lots of singing, lots of dancing, they often treat the afternoon like a Karaoke session using a microphone and taking it turns to choose a song to sing to. Nobody wants to stop after the hour comes to an end and I usually get half a dozen comments like “Do you have to go?””