Mobility Scooter
This particular scooter owner belongs to an ex-nurse who turns 90 this November. She has actually had two scooters from us. The first one in 2005 when she was 76 cost £350 from our stock. The next one we bought in 2012 because the old one had broken down and cost £940. This lovely lady loves getting out and about in Chippenham and is a member of the local arts association and other groups.
Please get in touch if you think we can help you to ‘get mobile’ again.

“Without the scooter it would be like being marooned on a desert island. This scooter is my lifeline, which enables me to shop and have access to appointments etc. Many people have relatives, which can be called upon. I alas have no one. The scooter to me is worth it’s weight in gold.”