Grants for Organisations

As a place-based charity, our grants are restricted to groups and organisations working in Chippenham, our area of benefit. To be eligible for funding, your organisation must be based in and/or delivering its services within the Parish of Chippenham.

What we fund

The project, activity, or service you propose must focus on one or more of the following outcomes:

  • Increased community participation and cohesion
  • Improved physical and/or mental health with reduced health inequalities
  • Improved education and secure employment
  • More people with safe and suitable homes and a reduction of relative poverty (e.g., food, fuel)
  • Increased physical activity, participation in sports, arts, culture, and time outdoors in nature

We accept funding requests for core, capital, project, and event costs, spanning a single year, multi-year, or one-off event/project.

Our small grants are up to £3,000 and larger grants range from £3,000 to £10,000 per financial year.

Groups/organisations can apply to CBLC for up to £10,000 per year.  This is not restricted to a number of applications and as long as the total does not exceed £10,000, organisations can apply more than once per year.

Who we fund

Your organisation will be one of the following:

  • Registered Charity
  • Unincorporated Association (a small organisation with members)
  • Company limited by Guarantee
  • Community Interest Company
  • Local Authority
  • Voluntary Group
  • School/College
  • Charitable Incorporated Organisation
  • Charitable Trust
  • Community Amateur Sports Club
  • Registered Society
  • Co-operative Society
  • Community Benefit Society
  • Company Limited by Shares (not for profit only)

To be considered for funding, your organisation should have a community bank account and at least two unrelated directors or a management committee. We also accept grant requests from Chippenham schools, Wiltshire College and University Centre and local government organisations.

What we do not fund

Please note that we cannot provide funding for activities that can be covered by statutory funding and we do not support: –

  • political activities
  • activities that promote religious beliefs or involve the advancement of religion
  • animal welfare projects
  • projects with no significant community or charitable element
  • projects that have already started before a grant can be awarded
  • activities that raise funds for other organisations

Grant Funding Rounds

We operate on a grant round system with three application deadlines per year.

What this Means

All grant applications must be submitted by a deadline to be considered for that funding cycle. Our Grant Committee meeting takes place following each deadline.  Applications received after a deadline will be held for review in the next grant round.

Please note that if we receive too many applications for a given grant round, we reserve the right to move some applications to the following cycle to allow for a thorough review process. It is in your best interest to submit applications as early as possible.

Funding decisions are announced approximately 2 months after the submission deadline. We aim to respond sooner where possible.

When to apply

Our grant application deadlines for the financial year 1st April 2025 – 31st March 2026) are: – 

  Application Deadline Meeting Awarded
Round 1


Sunday 1st June 2025


July By 1st August
Round 2 


Monday 1st September 2025


October By 1st November
Round 3


Sunday 1st February 2026 March By 31st March

How to apply

Please complete our eligibility form below. If you meet our eligibility criteria you will be able to proceed to complete an online application form. You can save your progress and return to the online Application Form at a later time.

If you would like some help with your application or would like to speak to a Grants Manager before completing your application please send us an email [], call the office [01249 658180], or you can drop-in for an informal chat with one of our team on a Wednesday between 10am and 2.30pm at Chippenham Community Hub [1 Gladstone Parade, Timber Street, Chippenham, SN15 3BS].