Westmead Open Space

A beautiful handmade bench for Westmead Open Space 1024 512 Chippenham Borough Lands Charity

A beautiful handmade bench for Westmead Open Space

We recently commissioned the volunteers at Chippenham Shed to create a handmade bench for visitors to our land at Westmead Open Space. We provided the materials and funding, while the skilled members of Chippenham Shed generously donated their time and…

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Chippenham Civic Society Awards for The Arc, Westmead Open Space and Mortimores Wood 1024 512 Chippenham Borough Lands Charity

Chippenham Civic Society Awards for The Arc, Westmead Open Space and Mortimores Wood

Chippenham Civic Society held their Annual Conservation & Environment Awards in St Andrew’s Church on Tuesday 25th October 2022. Jack Konynenburg, RIBA, President of the Civic Society, led the judging and gave a short presentation on the night detailing why the awards…

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CBLC Summer Newsletter 2022 1024 512 Chippenham Borough Lands Charity

CBLC Summer Newsletter 2022

It’s been a really busy 6 months for our charity. You can read all about it in our latest newsletter which you can see a glimpse of in the below images and click to read via this link – CBLC Summer…

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A new outdoor play park 1024 512 Chippenham Borough Lands Charity

A new outdoor play park

We have commissioned Bristol-based natural outdoor play equipment specialist, TouchWood Play, to install an innovative and imaginative new play area made almost entirely of wood on our land at Westmead Playing Field. The park will be adjacent to The Arc…

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Woodland Creatures Sculpture Trail official opening event 1024 683 Chippenham Borough Lands Charity

Woodland Creatures Sculpture Trail official opening event

Our Woodland Creatures Sculpture Trail at Westmead Open Space was officially opened at a special event held on the 18th September. The new trail features 12 sculptures carved out of wood and is set on paths through a small woodland…

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CBLC Summer newsletter 1024 512 Chippenham Borough Lands Charity

CBLC Summer newsletter

View or download our new newsletter to keep up with the latest news and information from our charity. CBLC-Summer-21-newsletterDownload  

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litter at westmead open space 1024 724 Chippenham Borough Lands Charity

litter at westmead open space

We have received some messages about the misuse of the dog waste bin in our car park for Westmead Open Space. We have been looking into longer term solutions and are taking action by increasing the size of the bin,…

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Westmead Hub website relaunched 1024 663 Chippenham Borough Lands Charity

Westmead Hub website relaunched

We’ve relaunched the Westmead Hub website which will be the new place to find out all the latest information about the Westmead Activity Centre project. The revamped website includes artist impression images of the whole centre including initial designs for…

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Please avoid the grassy riverbank at westmead open space 993 1024 Chippenham Borough Lands Charity

Please avoid the grassy riverbank at westmead open space

We have had a report this afternoon of an open manhole cover along the grassy riverbank between our Open Space car park and Westmead playing field. This issue is now being sorted as a matter of urgency but please avoid…

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Wiltshire search and rescue training 1024 698 Chippenham Borough Lands Charity

Wiltshire search and rescue training

Did you spot the amazing team from Wiltshire Search and Rescue carrying out a training exercise on our land in #Chippenham over the weekend? Wiltshire Search and Rescue (WILSAR) is a fantastic local charity providing specialist volunteer support to the…

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