Check out our latest news!

Six months of grant making

Six months of grant making 1024 512 Chippenham Borough Lands Charity

Most of our staff have been working remotely over the past six months but we have been providing support and funding to a wide variety of different organisations and individuals during this time.  We have provided over £12,000 in funding to individuals living…

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Update – Westmead activity centre

Update – Westmead activity centre 640 360 Chippenham Borough Lands Charity

We obtained planning permission late last summer to build a new climbing centre and skate park on our land at Westmead Recreation ground. Plans for our new climbing centre include interior & exterior climbing walls, bouldering, changing areas and a…

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Westmead Open space car park reopens

Westmead Open space car park reopens 1024 1024 Chippenham Borough Lands Charity

Our car park at Westmead Open Space is now open again following it’s initial closure in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and more recently to enable planned improvement works to take place. The car park extension work has been completed…

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Westmead open space car park

Westmead open space car park 1024 768 Chippenham Borough Lands Charity

Our car park at Westmead Open Space remains closed for a short time whilst a planned extension is created to enable more people to access our land. We hope to be able to reopen our car park as soon as…

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We’ve launched a new community website – one chippenham

We’ve launched a new community website – one chippenham 1024 858 Chippenham Borough Lands Charity

We’re excited to announce that we’ve launched a new community website – Eventually, we hope it will become the first choice ‘one stop’ place to find community information and information about ‘what’s on’ in Chippenham. In the short term the new…

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Tree Sculpture Competition & trail update

Tree Sculpture Competition & trail update 768 1024 Chippenham Borough Lands Charity

In March last year Lady Lansdowne unveiled our beautiful wooden owl sculpture on our land at Westmead Open Space. The sculpture was made by Ollie Adams, an extremely talented local sculptor who works as a Gardener for Wiltshire College and University…

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Community hot meals service for chippenham

Community hot meals service for chippenham 1024 768 Chippenham Borough Lands Charity

We are delighted to be working in partnership with Age UK Wiltshire to launch this essential new service for older people living in the Chippenham area. We are providing funding for the set up and running costs for the first year of…

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Westmead open space car park now closed

Westmead open space car park now closed 1024 684 Chippenham Borough Lands Charity

We understand people’s wish to spend time outside in places like our land at Westmead Open Space during this difficult time. Our Borough Lands are still open but having sought advice from Wiltshire police our Westmead Open Space car park…

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COVID-19 support & new “one chippenham” community website

COVID-19 support & new “one chippenham” community website 1024 858 Chippenham Borough Lands Charity

We are concentrating our support to help with basic welfare provisions and emergency requests/applications relating to Covid-19 only (for example food, transport and electricity/gas).  We are only able to help local individuals and groups/organisations that support the Chippenham community. If you are a…

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community support links & information (COVId-19)

community support links & information (COVId-19) 1024 858 Chippenham Borough Lands Charity

(Information last checked and updated 4.30pm on 23.3.20) Lots of information and offers of support have already been posted across social media and local websites to help the local Chippenham community during this unprecedented time. Below is a long list…

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COVID-19 UPDATE 1024 341 Chippenham Borough Lands Charity

Our office building will be shut to staff and visitors from Wednesday 18th March for the foreseeable future however our support for the Chippenham Community will continue, as much as possible, throughout this difficult time.  We will be checking our…

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Fringe FEb Thanks!

Fringe FEb Thanks! 1024 683 Chippenham Borough Lands Charity

It was fantastic to see so much fun, colour and talent in Chippenham last weekend with the town full of music, comedy, performance, dancing, photography, art, craft, poetry, talks and a market.   We would like to say a HUGE…

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Fringe feb – weather venue updates

Fringe feb – weather venue updates 1024 858 Chippenham Borough Lands Charity

Sadly we have another weekend of wet and windy weather ahead but fear not Fringe Feb is still on. Many of the Fringe Feb events are already indoors but where it has been possible outside events have been, or are…

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FRINGE FEB 1024 858 Chippenham Borough Lands Charity

Our Chippenham Ace Group have put together an exciting new event in Chippenham for 3 days at the end of February. From the 27-29 February Chippenham is going to come alive with music, comedy, performance and dancing to photography, craft,…

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New pilot ‘enrichment grant’

New pilot ‘enrichment grant’ 940 788 Chippenham Borough Lands Charity

Would you like to try something new in 2020? We are trialling a new grant scheme called the Enrichment Grant this year to enable Chippenham residents to join a local class, activity or group and try something new in 2020. Have…

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2019 into 2020

2019 into 2020 1024 512 Chippenham Borough Lands Charity

Wishing a Happy New Year from everyone at Chippenham Borough Lands Charity. We were able to fund a wide variety of groups/organisations to benefit the Chippenham community whilst also supporting local individuals in 2019. We are looking forward to continuing…

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Farewell wishes to Christine

Farewell wishes to Christine 1024 748 Chippenham Borough Lands Charity

Our long-standing and well-respected Welfare Officer, Christine Jenkins, sadly leaves Chippenham Borough Lands Charity today. Christine started working here in May 1999 and has given over 20 years of service; making a big impact during her time here. Christine is…

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Planning permission has been granted for our new Skate Park and Climbing Centre in Chippenham!

Planning permission has been granted for our new Skate Park and Climbing Centre in Chippenham! 1024 858 Chippenham Borough Lands Charity

Exciting times for everyone here at Chippenham Borough Lands Charity – we were granted planning permission to build a new climbing centre and skate park on our ‘Borough Lands‘ at Westmead playing fields behind the Wessex Water site. The plans were…

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£7,333.00 awarded to help fund chippenham​ based dementia support groups

£7,333.00 awarded to help fund chippenham​ based dementia support groups 1024 736 Chippenham Borough Lands Charity

We recently visited local charity, Alzheimer’s Support, at their Memory Cafe to present a cheque for £7,333.00 to staff and group members. The funding will be put towards the running costs for Alzheimer’s Support’s three community groups in Chippenham; Music…

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A big THANK YOU! 1024 556 Chippenham Borough Lands Charity

It’s Volunteers’ Week and so it’s a perfect time for us to take a moment to say a big THANK YOU to our Trustees for the fantastic contribution they make to our charity. We really appreciate all the time, expertise…

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