During the last three months we have awarded nearly £60,000 in grants to Chippenham individuals, families, groups, and organisations.
Christmas Voucher Scheme
A large focus for our grant giving in November/December is always our Christmas Voucher Scheme. The scheme started as a hamper of Christmas food given out by staff to Chippenham individuals and families who we had helped during the year. The scheme expanded and we now work with different partner organisations to give out Tesco vouchers ranging from £50 to £150, giving nominated individuals and families living in Chippenham a needed boost at this time of year.
This year we have given out £32,000 in vouchers helping 265 households. This is the largest amount since we started this scheme.
A huge thank you to Helen, our brilliant Welfare Grants Officer and to all our partner organisations for their work to enable this area of our grant giving. We really appreciate the time and care you have given to enable our Christmas Voucher Scheme 2022 to reach more people this year.
Donations to four key Chippenham support organisations
We have also given a £500 donation each to four organisations in Chippenham who really help to make a difference for our local community at Christmas time: –
- Chippenham Salvation Army – towards the foodbank and Christmas hampers
- Sheldon Road Methodist Church Beacon Centre – towards their Christmas Day meal
- St Peter’s Church – towards their food box scheme
- Doorway – towards any extras needed at this time of year for anyone who is homeless
Awards to local groups and organisations
Our grants to local groups and organisations over the last few months have included: –
£800 to Read Easy Melksham towards volunteer training and reading resources boxes to assist in coaching Chippenham adult residents to learn to read on a 1:1 basis.
£1,500 to Chippenham Hospital Radio towards an IT Upgrade of studio equipment to create a fully functional and reliable studio facility, enhancing the broadcast experience for the volunteers and listeners.
£5,000 to Waste Not Want Not to support approximately 22 households with the WNWN ‘Fresh Start Scheme’, which offers approximately £300 worth in furniture/household goods to those having to start again, usually due to domestic abuse, immigration, other ‘unforeseen’ changes in personal circumstances.
£2,000 to Sheldon Road Methodist Church Beacon Centre to support their ‘Community Meals’ initiative, offering two course hot meal on Saturdays over three months to people in need.
£800 to Music for Miniatures towards the costs associated with putting on three concerts in Chippenham for families on a ‘pay what you decide basis’, enabling families on a low income to engage with live music.
£1,340 to Lordsmead Pre-School Playgroup for sound absorbing screens allowing the pre-school to create quiet areas within the hall, providing a better environment to relax and learn for aged two-to-five-year-olds.
£582 to Chippenham Uniform Exchange for start-up costs that will enable this new Chippenham based community interest company to provide access to good quality recycled items of school uniform for free or at a very low cost to Chippenham families.
£1,700 to Ivy Lane Primary School for the initial set up costs, training, and resources for Cross-Curricular Orienteering to encourage active learning across school life.
£10,000 to The Chippenham Debt Centre run by Christians Against Poverty for the costs associated with the training and administrative set up for two new volunteer debt advisors to support Chippenham residents.
£150 to The Last Baguette towards subsidising two Christmas performances of Playtime – a play-along theatre adventure for children aged 2-5 and their grownups – to remove economic barriers to participation for Chippenham families.
Awards to individuals
Our grants to individuals on a low income who live in Chippenham during this period, outside of our Christmas Voucher Scheme, have included providing funding for the following: – white goods, furniture, laptops, food vouchers and mobility scooters/repairs.
Our Grants Officers, Helen and Laura, provide advice and support at all stages of the grant application process. You can find out more about our individual grant making and make an enquiry on our website here.